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October 18, 2023

Maximising Efficiency: Tips for Optimising Your Robot Vacuum's Performance

The more popular they get, the more advanced they grow. Soon, robot vacuums will be an everyday appliance in every home. Every release brings new features and as apps develop, it becomes easier to schedule and operate. If you want to purchase a robotic vacuum and mop from a brand you can trust, Roborock Australia makes reliable, high-quality robot vacuums that are built to last. 

For an efficient way to clean your home, a robotic vacuum and mop is key! It isn't enough to just buy one, you need to know how to optimise its performance for maximum efficiency!

Understanding Your Roborock Robot Vacuum 

Roborock has a range of robotic vacuum cleaner models to choose from, but they feature the same basic components. Each robot vacuum and mop model has a stellar navigation system, different cleaning modes, smart features, and app control. 

  •       Navigation

You can rely on the best robot vacuum in Australia for a smart navigation system, and Roborock comes up tops. With the majority of models featuring LDS and stereo camera, it makes for efficient mapping and even more efficient cleaning.

  •       Cleaning Modes

Choose the right mode for the right clean easily from the app's main screen:  





  •       Smart Features
    Roborock Australia's cordless vacuum cleaners come equipped with many smart features as standard, from no-go zones to real-time progress tracking, and scheduling. You'll find all of these excellent features in the smartphone app.
  •     App Control

With the easy-to-use smartphone app, you can set your robot vacuum cleaner up for success by mapping the entirety of your home, setting no-go zones and organising your cleaning schedule for maximum efficiency.

Optimising Cleaning Schedules 

It doesn't matter if you buy the best mopping and vacuum robot on the planet if you don't utilise it properly. Step one is to set it up properly and create a consistent cleaning schedule that meets your home's needs. If you have pets, you will want to set your vacuum cordless to clean more frequently and you can target those to the right areas. 

The key to making the most of your vacuum cleaner cordless is consistency – it saves time and money and keeps your home cleaner too. 

Whether you're looking for the best cordless vacuum cleaner on the market or are happy with an entry-level model, Roborock has a wide range to choose from. The S8 Pro Ultra offers a whopping 6000Pa suction, 180 minutes of battery life, moderate noise level, and 5200mAh battery capacity. With LDS and stereo camera navigation, it's never been easier to map your home and set efficient cleaning routines that work for you. 

Floor Plan Mapping and Zone Cleaning 

Mapping is the tool that cordless vacuum robots use to understand the layout of your home. Once your robotic vacuum has the map of your home in its memory, it can easily navigate the space to carry out the cleaning routines and schedules you set. You can optimise your cleaning schedule and make the most out of your battery life by prioritising specific rooms or areas, as well as setting no-go zones. You can set it up to clean zonally to avoid battery loss, but the most advanced models remember their progress and return to the area where they left off if interrupted during a cleaning cycle.

The S8+ has everything you need for the most efficient cleans.

Maintenance and Care Tips 

If you want the best vacuum cleaner in Australia, you have to maintain it. Clean and replace the filters as often as recommended by the manufacturer, more frequently if your cleaning schedule demands it. Though the dustbins hold a lot and are often self-empty, it's good to get in the habit of emptying them regularly to avoid any issues. 

Check the Roborock App to see the recommendations for your model, and shop online for all the accessories you need. In the meantime:

  • Check the brushes and rollers to make sure there are no tangles or hiding debris. 
  • Replace your dust bag every 7-8 weeks. 
  • You can improve the navigation by regularly wiping the sensors down. 
  • Carry out a monthly deep clean by removing the main brush and washing it with mild dish soap and warm water. It should be completely dry before you put it back in. 

The better a robot is maintained, the more efficiently it operates. That means a cleaner home and fewer allergens in the air!

Efficient Use of App Features 

The Roborock app gives you access to a variety of features and complete control over your robovac. You can track its progress in real-time to ensure it's operating properly and if it isn't, you can make tweaks from your phone. If you need to make changes to the cleaning schedule, you can do it from anywhere in the world as long as you have your app. It's never been easier to be a robot vacuum owner. 

Many newer and advanced models offer voice control integration, so you can use your smart home device to take control if that's easier for you. 

Maximising Battery Life 

All of Roborock's robot vacuums feature 5200mAh battery capacity with a runtime of 180 minutes. That doesn't mean you can't extend the battery – the best way to do that is by getting into positive charging habits. Allow it to fully drain while operating and fully charge before additional use. Doing this several times when it's brand new will help it learn its battery capacity, and you can do it again from time to time. 

If it isn't in use, it should be charging in its dock – but don't leave it there for days at a time; set a consistent cleaning schedule. The more you use your robot vacuum, the better maximised its battery life will be. You should also place the dock in the coolest spot in the house, away from direct sunlight. The S7 MaxV Ultra packs a powerful 5100Pa suction, a 400ml dustbin, and a 200ml water tank – keeping your bin empty and your unit clean is a great way to extend battery life. 

Final Thoughts 

A robot vacuum is a great investment, but to make the most of it you need to optimise its efficiency. Get to know the ins and outs of your unit and set it up properly before you launch it. With cleaning schedules, mapping, zone cleaning, and a host of features – a Roborock robot vacuum is the perfect solution for anyone who wants a cleaner, more organised home. 

The Q Revo is the newest addition to the Roborock family, and with 5500Pa suction, it's set to be the best robot vacuum in Australia. The dock self-empties, self-washes and dries, and even self-refills – so don't waste time or you risk missing out! The Q Revo robovac also features liftable spinning mops and obstacle avoidance, and you can operate every feature from the easy-to-use app. You can find a whole range of robot vacuums on the Roborock website